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Ridgway Chamber Reponse to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce Supporters:

Like most of the world, the ongoing impacts incurred from the COVID -19 pandemic have permeated every level of our daily lives and left our business community reeling in the face of ever-evolving messaging and adaptive strategies to ensure our solvency during these challenging times. I feel very fortunate to live in such a tight-knit and supportive community that prioritizes its strength to pull together, share information, and take pride in supporting one another through these uniquely challenging times.

To better serve both our members and community, our team recently faced the difficult decision to amend our 2020 Annual Budget. As an organization that derives the majority of its funding from the success of our local businesses (i.e. LOT Tax), we too will undoubtedly be affected by the diminished revenue our town and lodging community so graciously supports. Therefore, our team has deemed it essential to reallocate precious remaining resources to act now in aid of supporting the immediate challenges our members and business community now face.

We need faith right now that we will overcome and ultimately return to the healthy and vibrant business economy our community has worked so hard to create. Now more than ever, it’s critical to support local businesses, seek support from our neighbors and friends, and respect the role we all play in encouraging a positive outcome. I appreciate your assistance in this mission and wish you all a productive, healthy, and prosperous future.

Sincerely, Tim Patterson, President, Board of Directors, Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce

We will continue to update resources, closures/cancellations, adapted business services, and restaurant services on our two COVID-19 pages. We are providing this service to all organizations, regardless of membership status. Please email if you have updates. 

Ridgway Chamber Member Promotion in E-blasts and Social Media

The Chamber will continue to provide promotional services to members via the weekly e-blast and social media. All promotional efforts will be focused on business promotion within our community, as we are not marketing Ridgway to visitors at this time. Please send any promotional requests to .